Monday, March 05, 2007

Well, Popeye and Oliveoil invaded the 12th arrondissement in Paris last night and found they had some very silly friends.
While The Weeze slept in the next room, POPeye and his "girl" raged on. Who says you can't have fun when you have a baby?
Our philosophy is to let her live WITH us. So far seems to be working out;-)
Thanks Ian and Zu for a great party!!


Anonymous said...

Yikes!!! Really, the getups were cleaver. I don't think she'll be screwed up too bad, it's better than having dull people for parents, don't you think? I think the "gal" in the red dress could have shaved her chest and put on a girdle for the evening. Was this a special event that you wore costumes for or just a wild and wacky evening? Luv you Guys, Mom

Bill said...

Quite a cast of CHARACTERS!Luckily our grandaughter was aslee in the next room lest she be scarred out of her wits!
Looks like a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, so glad you clarified that is was a "CrossDress" party. I was getting ready to file for custody of "Sweetpea" UBee and I have a much more "normal" lifestyle ;)

Great get-ups. I may borrow the idea next time we need a costume. we will, no doubt, be with a different crowd.

Gee I miss yous guys
Love AC

Megan Hofacker said...

Love the new pics. Hailey would love the fact that you went as Popeye and Olive Oil. She loooooves that cartoon and watches it all the time. Looks like a great party! PARTY ON!!!!