Monday, November 12, 2007

Last post before we get to see many of you IN PERSON!!
We're off to the good-old-USA!
Sorry about the birthday party posts order. Daddy screwed up.
Martin and Nino keeping busy while the girls and I destroy some cake.


What a fabulous day.

"Let them eat cake!"
(Ok, so Marie Antoinette actually said "let them eat brioche" [a type of sweet bread who's closest American cousin is Kings Hawaiian bread] but who cares!)

Hey! ma and pa, Why are there balloons and why is the table covered up with paper?

BIRTHDAY PAAAARRTYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So mom and daddy invited my buddies, Lili (the blond) and Cloé (the big eyes)over to my house for a huge fêtê!!
Mom and dad got us all some groovy smocks so we could make a huge mess with finger paints!
What a BLAST!

I've been lucky enough to receive a couple, wonderful, first birthday gifts!
But, since I'm not quite sure what to think of all this colorful paper... Mom, you take it!
Thank you.

Wacky, handmade, hat!
Thank you Landis!!! (For those of you who don't know; mom and dad have a
friend who's name is Landis. And no, NOT "that" Landis. She's a girl and that's
her first name, not her last.)

I have an idea!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

"Vive la Sarthe!!"

An early first birthday gift from Grand Pierre!!
Thanks grandpa!

Can you believe they made me milk it out of this cow. And now look how skinny she is:-\

I dig on things that are very minuscule.

Am I putting them in? or taking them out? decide, me, I don't need to decide cuz I don't wanna.

Who needs a tub when you can fit in a sink!

Hey mom, what's that up there?!!!

Aaaahhh yeeeaaahhhh... the cow clock who's udder goes "tick-tock" !!!
I love it!

Thanks for letting me approach the cow clock with "udder care" (pun, what there is of it, intended)

Ok, enough of that. What's next!

I know what's next! Apple cider festival!!!!!

Aahhh the things mommy and daddy will make me do for posterity...:-\

I said "can I get me some apples over hear!"
The old fashioned way of making apple cider!

First: A horse pulling a cart full of apples magically appears.

Then, a wee-man (he's not even as big as the horses head for goodness sake. These French are wacky) with a shovel scoops up some apples and tosses them in
this old (what used to be steam-powered) grinder.

Chugg-a-chugg-chugg two men and a tub...

pouring the now-minced apples into the press...

...for the GIANT with a large iron staff to turn the press, and "voila" cider!